A. After talking with several naturopathic medicine friends, they recommend for treatment of many ailments, the use of raw honey from your local area. After listening & learning from an alternative therapies view, we produce our honey by the suburb. As it became apparent to us that there was a need for locally produced honey in the suburbs. All our honey is sold via the suburb name eg: Moggill Montage, Tivoli Treasure, Beachmere Bliss etc. But stocks are generally limited & subject to seasonal availability, it is best to confirm which areas we have in stock at time of placing your order if you have a suburb of preferance. Generally we supply honey either dark or light in colour; but it does have the suburb of origin on the label.
A. No, You can have honey from any of the suburbs we currently have in stock. Many of our customers have their favourite suburbs and some are from across the city. We do also offer a sampler pack if you would like to try the different suburbs. Currently a 3 pack is $9 and a 5 Pack is $12 for 70 gram glass jars, these also make great gift ideas.
A. Yes, our honey can crystalize over time. Crystallization is not a tell tail sign the honey has gone off. Honey is the only food on the earth that doesn’t go off. They have found honey in the pyramids, crystallized but perfectly good. Current studies indicate that in ideal conditions that honey may last longer than 9000 years.
A. Honey is a living organism, and as such raw honey can do strange and wonderful things, but crystallization occurs when the sugars (Fructose & Sucrose) separate generally in a cooler environment; (eg fridge or in winter). The separation causes the honey to crystalize, the honey is still perfectly edible in this state, or you can warm it in the sun or in a water bath like a baby’s bottle to return it to liquid form. Also honey in the summer will seem very thin almost watery like in composition as the warmth has this effect on it. If you prefer it thicker you may need to find a cool place for it in summer.
A: In a word, Yes but it will no longer be a raw product. Heating of honey can change the composition of honey & slow the crystallization process; As raw honey contains many living organisms in it, these are killed off with the heating of honey (pasteurization).Excessive heat can have detrimental effects on the nutritional value of honey. Heating up to 50°C causes loss of nearly 200 components, some of which are antibacterial & at 50°C, the honey sugars begin to caramelize. At 85°C, there is mostly a sugar mix left with very little if any active enzymes left. Another method to slow crystallization is to add transfats to honey again changing its composition. This does appear on many labels at 0.00% but the amount they do use is under this amount so they technically are not misleading you on the quantity used. Our honey is not heated, mixed with anything, it has not been mixed with corn syrup, nor has it had water added to it.
A: We are currently running on organic principals with hive pest management and processing of our honey. Under the Guidelines set for “Certified Organic Honey”, honey produced in the suburbs is not certifiable as if anyone in a 5km radius of the hive uses any chemical in their garden or house that a bee could come in contact with. We do not use toxic poisons in our hives for pest management. But in saying this we cannot stop the bees foraging in the yard down the road that may have sprayed some weeds etc. In the future we will pursue the “Organic Certification” but at this point in time the costs we would need to pass on seem unjustifiable.
A. Sorry pick-up is unavailable at this stage. We are not in the office all day, as we have bees to tend to & deliveries to make. Thank-you for your understanding, and to keep our prices fair & reasonable we are happy to deliver to your home when we are in the area. Unfortunately delivering to work places in the city or in shopping centres is not available either as paid parking costs would need to be passed on. Please do contact us and we will try and work something out for you.
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A. We have been forced to restructure our delivery runs; but depending where you live we might only cover your area once a month. We do Deliver from the Chermside to Logan & out to Ironbark (Just west of Ipswich). Once you have made contact and ordered from us we will be able to let you know when we are in your area. Should you not hear from us within 48 hours please don’t hesitate to contact again, please also check your junk mail folder. (Most Free email accounts[microsoft, outlook, live.com etc] generally send our replies to junkmail.)
Because we don’t blend honey from different locations, which is what normally happens when honey packers sell honey, and we have 16 different locations that we have hives, each location produces honey that is unique to that particular location some produce dark honey, in saying this we refer to the colour that we check against the “Jacks Scale” which is a universal international honey grading scale and other locations produce a lighter colour honey, because we don’t ever blend our honey to mix it and make a processed product, we let the Bees make the Honey and what ever the Bees put in the Honey is what the product is. We don’t alter the Honey at all, so to try and give a guide to customers that have only ever bought supermarket honey before, some kind of a guide as to the type of honey they might enjoy and be to their taste, we offer light or dark honey. If we don’t have a choice of light or dark in stock then we only can offer what we have in stock, all our Honey is 100% Pure Australian Honey that is from our own hives. So I guess if you are referring to normal Australian Honey that is bought from a supermarket, honey that has been packed by a honey packer then that product would most likely have been blended to a set formula that they know is acceptable as a table honey that consumers have always bought. Hope this helps
Unfortunately "No" we no longer live in Moggill and our Extraction Facility is also based elsewhere, we do still have hives located in Moggill, but unfortunately as we needed to expand while keeping costs at a reasonable price for our customers; there was no suitable premises in Moggill / Bellbowrie area. We still offer our Old Fashioned Service, Delivered directly to your door; at no additional charge.
Dear Valued Customers,
We try to respond to all emails within 48 hours; often it is much sooner.
If you have placed an order & not had a reply in 48 hours,
Please send an Email Direct to Fran: orders@moggillhoney.com.au
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Fran & Mark