Homeware Products

Dear Valued Customers,

We try to respond to all emails within 24 hours on a weekday &

48 hours on the weekend; often it is much sooner. 

If you have placed an order & not had a reply in 24/48 hours, 

Please send an Email Direct to Fran: orders@moggillhoney.com.au 



Please Note; If you have a microsoft free email account (Hotmail, Live, Etc) please check your junk mail for your invoice or email reply from us. If you could add orders@moggillhoney.com.au to your safe senders list, that would be great as microsoft send our emails directly to junk mail.


A Tip For Order Placement


After you have selected your desired items, please be sure to click all the steps at checkout.


1. Checkout

2. Discount Next

3. Shipping Next

4. Your Details Next

5. Review & Confirm Submit 

At this point, the system will send you a confirmation email, we also receive the same email, if you don't receive this email, we probably didn't either. Please Ensure you clicked on the "SUBMIT" button.




Fran & Mark



Homeware Products


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If there is anything else you would like, we don't have instock; Why not drop Fran an email & we will see what we can get for you.